Facebook Marketplace Scams to Avoid: An In-Depth Guide to be safe

Facebook Marketplace offers a convenient platform for buying and selling goods, but unfortunately, it also attracts scammers who are looking to take advantage of unsuspecting users. Here’s a detailed guide to the most common Facebook Marketplace scams and how you can avoid them to ensure your safety.

General tips to stay safe

Here are some important tips to keep in mind when buying or selling items on Facebook Marketplace:

Research sellers and buyers: Before making any transactions, take the time to check the profiles of sellers and buyers for reviews. Be cautious of newly created accounts, as they may be less reliable.

Use Facebook Checkout: Consider using Facebook Checkout, as it offers transaction protection under Facebook’s Purchase Protection policy.

Meet in public places: When possible, arrange to meet the buyer or seller in a public, well-lit location. It’s also a good idea to bring someone with you for added safety.

Inspect items before payment: Always thoroughly check the item you’re purchasing before handing over any money.

Avoid sharing personal information: Refrain from sharing sensitive details such as bank accounts, phone numbers, or addresses with people you’re transacting with on Facebook Marketplace.

Report suspicious activity: If you encounter any scams or suspicious users, use Facebook’s reporting tools to report the activity immediately. These tips can help ensure a safe and secure experience when using Facebook Marketplace.

Common Facebook Marketplace scams

Fake giveaways

Scammers post attractive links to fake giveaways, often for high-demand items like electronics, luxury goods, or popular gadgets. These posts promise valuable items for free or at a steep discount, but clicking on these links can lead to malware infections. The malware can steal sensitive information, such as login credentials, financial information, and personal data, from your device.

How to avoid:

Be sceptical of giveaways that seem too good to be true. Ignore suspicious links and report any accounts posting them to Facebook. It’s safer to engage with verified and official pages or accounts when participating in giveaways​.

Car deposit scams

Fraudsters list vehicles for sale at attractive prices and request a deposit to “hold” the car. Once the deposit is sent, the scammer vanishes, leaving the buyer without a car and out of pocket. These listings often include pictures and descriptions stolen from legitimate ads.

How to avoid:

Never transfer funds without physically inspecting the vehicle. Arrange to meet the seller and inspect the vehicle before making any payments. Use trusted resources to verify the car’s value and ensure you’re not being overcharged​.

Inconsistent pricing

Sellers initially list an item at a low price to attract buyers. After you express interest, they raise the price, claiming new fees or other costs. This bait-and-switch tactic pressures buyers into paying more than originally agreed.

How to avoid:

Avoid transactions with sellers who change the price unexpectedly. Look for sellers who maintain consistent pricing and clear communication. If a seller increases the price or adds unexpected charges, walk away from the deal​.

Google voice scams

Scammers ask for your phone number to “verify” your identity, then use it to set up a Google Voice account. They can then use this account to conduct further fraudulent activities under your name, making it harder to trace back to them.

How to avoid:

Never share verification codes or personal information with buyers or sellers. If someone requests such details, it’s a red flag. Be wary of strangers on the internet at all times.

Shipping and insurance scams

Sellers request additional payments for shipping insurance after you have agreed on a price. Once you send the extra money, they disappear, leaving you without the item and out the additional cost.

How to avoid:

Legitimate sellers typically include shipping costs in the item price and do not ask for extra fees after the transaction. Stick to the agreed payment terms and avoid any post-transaction fee requests. Steer clear of direct bank transfers and instead use safe payment options.

Zelle payment scams

Scammers prefer Zelle because it offers quick, irreversible transfers and lacks buyer protection. They might send spoofed emails pretending to be from Zelle, or request overpayments that they never intend to refund.

How to avoid:

Use secure payment methods like PayPal or Facebook Checkout, which offer better protection against fraud. Avoid using Zelle for transactions with strangers, and be wary of anyone requesting Zelle payments​​.

Counterfeit items

Scammers list fake products, particularly high-demand items like branded clothing, electronics, and accessories, at very low prices to attract buyers. These items are often poor-quality knockoffs, if they arrive at all.

How to avoid:

Research the seller’s profile, check reviews, and verify the item’s authenticity before making a purchase. Be cautious of unusually low prices and poor-quality images. Use trusted websites or direct from brand retailers for high-demand items​​.

Fake rentals

Scammers duplicate legitimate rental listings and ask for a deposit to secure the property. After receiving the money, they disappear, leaving you without a place to stay.

How to avoid:

Always visit the property in person before making any payments. Verify the legitimacy of the listing through multiple sources and avoid deals that seem too good to be true. Confirm the property owner’s identity and cross-check rental listings on multiple platforms​.

Scammers send links to fake payment websites designed to steal your credit card information. These sites often look very convincing and can trick even cautious users.

How to avoid:

Only use official payment methods provided by Facebook. Avoid clicking on payment links sent by sellers and stick to trusted platforms. Double-check URLs for secure payment sites, and never enter payment information on unknown sites​.

Overpayment scams

Scammers overpay for an item with a fake check, then ask for a refund of the excess amount. By the time the check bounces, the scammer has already received the refund, leaving you without the money.

How to avoid:

Wait until checks clear before issuing any refunds. Be cautious of buyers who overpay and insist on immediate refunds. Use secure payment methods and avoid accepting overpayments​​.

Non-delivery scams

After receiving payment, the scammer fails to deliver the item, leaving the buyer without their purchase and out of pocket.

How to avoid:

Meet in person to exchange the item and payment simultaneously. If shipping is necessary, use services that offer tracking and buyer protection. Before making a purchase, always check the reputation of the vendor and read reviews.

Phishing scams

Scammers send messages with links to fake websites designed to steal your login credentials or personal information. These phishing sites often mimic legitimate websites to trick users.

How to avoid:

Refrain from opening links in emails from senders you are not familiar with. Verify the URL to make sure you are on the legitimate Facebook website before logging in. For an additional degree of account protection, use two-factor authentication.

Fake reviews

Scammers create fake positive reviews to build trust and lure buyers into making a purchase. These reviews can make a fraudulent seller appear legitimate and reliable.

How to avoid:

Look for verified reviews and cross-check seller ratings on multiple platforms. Be wary of profiles with only positive reviews and no history of transactions. Trust your instincts and do thorough research before making a purchase​.

Bogus tickets

Fraudsters sell fake tickets to events or concerts, which buyers only discover are invalid when they try to use them. These tickets are often sold at a discount to attract buyers.

How to avoid:

Buy tickets through reputable sellers or legitimate channels. Before sending any money, be sure the tickets are genuine. Steer clear of offers that appear too good to be true, and make use of safe payment methods.

What to do if you’ve been scammed on Facebook Marketplace

Falling victim to a scam can be a distressing experience, but taking prompt and appropriate action can help mitigate the damage and prevent others from being targeted. Here’s a detailed guide on what to do if you suspect you’ve been scammed on Facebook Marketplace.

Report the incident to Facebook

Reporting the scam to Facebook helps the platform identify and take action against fraudulent accounts. It can also aid in removing scam listings and preventing future victims.

How do I report?

Go to the listing or profile you suspect is involved in the scam.

To access the settings menu, click the three dots and choose “Report.”

Follow the prompts to provide details about the scam and submit your report.

Facebook will review the report and take necessary actions, such as removing the listing or suspending the scammer’s account​.

Block the scammer

Blocking the scammer prevents them from contacting you further. It also helps you avoid any future scams from the same individual.

How do I block?

Go to the profile of the person you suspect is a scammer.

Click on the three dots (options menu) and select “Block.”

Confirm the action to block the person from contacting you again.

Blocking not only protects you but also stops the scammer from viewing your profile and interactions​​.

File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

The FTC collects reports of scams and uses the information to investigate and take action against fraudulent activities. Your report can help the FTC understand the scope of the scam and possibly prevent it from happening to others.

How do I file a complaint?

Visit the FTC’s complaint website at https://reportfraud.ftc.gov.

Follow the instructions to provide details about the scam, including any information about the scammer and the nature of the scam.

Submit your complaint for review.

The FTC uses these reports to identify patterns of fraud and pursue legal action against scammers​.

Register complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

The IC3 is a team effort between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. By filing a complaint with IC3, you ensure that details about the scam are shared with law enforcement agencies that can take the necessary action.

How do I file a complaint?

Visit the IC3’s website at https://www.ic3.gov/.

Provide detailed information about the scam, including any communications you had with the scammer and any financial transactions that took place.

Submit the complaint for further investigation.

Filing with IC3 can help law enforcement track down scammers and prevent them from targeting others​​.

Notify your bank or payment service

If you’ve sent money to the scammer, notifying your bank or payment service can help you potentially recover your funds. It also alerts them to the fraudulent transaction, which can lead to further protective measures.

What steps should I take?

Make quick contact with your payment service provider or bank.

Give an explanation of the circumstances and specifics of the transaction.

Follow their instructions for disputing the charge or reversing the transaction.

Some payment services, like PayPal, offer buyer protection that can help you get a refund if you’ve been scammed​.

Monitor your accounts

Scammers may attempt to use any personal information they’ve obtained to commit further fraud. Monitoring your accounts helps you catch any unauthorised activity early.

What steps should I take?

Keep an eye out for any odd transactions on your credit card and bank statements.

Set up alerts for your accounts to receive notifications of any suspicious activity.

Consider using a credit monitoring service to keep an eye on your credit report for any signs of identity theft.

Early detection of unauthorised activity can help minimise the damage and allow you to take swift action​.

How does Facebook prevent scams on the Marketplace?

Facebook uses several strategies and tools to protect users from scams on the Marketplace. These measures are designed to detect fraudulent activities, educate users, and provide mechanisms for reporting and resolving issues.

Profile verification

Facebook encourages users to verify their profiles, adding a layer of trust and accountability. Verified profiles are less likely to be involved in scams, making it easier for users to identify legitimate buyers and sellers. Users can check for verification badges and review the profiles of potential buyers or sellers for any suspicious activity or reviews​.

AI and machine learning

Facebook uses advanced AI and machine learning algorithms to detect suspicious behaviour and fraudulent listings. These systems analyse patterns and flag activities that deviate from normal behaviour, such as unusually high posting volumes or repeated changes in listing details. This helps in identifying and removing fake accounts and scam listings promptly​​.

Safety tips and educational resources

Facebook provides users with safety tips and educational resources on how to identify and avoid scams. These include guidelines on safe payment methods, advice on meeting in public places, and tips on verifying the legitimacy of listings. Users are encouraged to familiarise themselves with these resources to enhance their safety while using Marketplace.

Secure Payment methods

Facebook offers secure payment methods such as Facebook Checkout, which includes Purchase Protection. This protection ensures that buyers receive the items they paid for or get their money back if the items are significantly different from the description. Using secure payment methods reduces the risk of fraud compared to direct bank transfers or cash payments​.

Reporting mechanisms

Users can report suspicious listings, profiles, and transactions directly through Facebook. The platform has a robust reporting system that allows users to flag potential scams quickly. Facebook reviews these reports and takes appropriate action, which can include removing the listing, suspending the account, or providing guidance on resolving disputes​.

Partnerships with law enforcement

Facebook collaborates with law enforcement agencies to address serious fraud cases. By working together, they can track down scammers and bring them to justice. This collaboration also helps in educating users about ongoing scam trends and preventive measures​.

Community guidelines and enforcement

Facebook enforces strict community guidelines that prohibit fraudulent activities. Violating these guidelines can result in account suspension or permanent bans. Regular updates to these guidelines ensure they address new types of scams and fraudulent behaviours as they emerge​​.


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